Selection Gizmo tool

The gizmo selection tool is definitely useful in large 3D projects and is a must for a game maker. This tool was designed by our team for Unity game engine, which solves a big problem. When the number of your objects in the scene increases and, for example, you have used many triggers to create gameplay, many other triggers and objects in the scene must be inactive by default. And when they are disabled, they no longer exist in the scene, so you can select them faster by clicking on them in the scene. Unity has solved this problem for objects that are active by color labels that you assign to game objects through the Inspector panel, but when an object becomes inactive, Unity cannot do this, and if your project objects If it has a lot of 3D, you will always be confused to find the desired triggers and finding and selecting them from the Hiriki panel will waste your time and energy. The Selection Gizmo tool is designed for this purpose so that you can create an icon on all the game objects that are currently inactive in the scene, so that with one click on the icon, the game object you want is selected in the scene. This tool is currently published in the Unity Asset Store.

Selection Gizmo tool
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